Plugged @ Leyton Technical – 20.02.20

Join us for our first open electronic music jam of the year, alongside two live performances that will take you on an ambient electronic journey. All accompanied by live visuals.

Chris Box and Daniel Baker are a duo that use guitar, modular synths, and FX to build semi-improvised ambient soundscapes. Expect drones, beautiful melodies, and pulsating synthetic rhythms.

Matthew Watt aka GM4EFL takes inspiration from the bleeps and drones of electronic music pioneers Raymond Scott, Morton Subotnic and Deila Derbyshire. A key member of the Stow-Lab and Plugged team, his productions are based on long improvisations utilising a mixture of digital and analogue equipment.

Music makers come and join our community! Powered by Ableton Link, our jam sessions are open to music makers of all styles, abilities and backgrounds. Bring a synth, gadget or any instrument and come get involved – a great chance to meet, jam, and perform alongside other music makers. Our jams can run at any tempo and go in any direction. Expect ambient, drone, and experimental, through to techno, electro, and breaks.

VJs Alien 101, Mouseonthetelly and 2 Digit.

8pm – 11.30pm (music makers join from 7.30pm)

Leyton Technical
265B High Road Leyton,E10 5QN London
5 mins walk from Leyton Tube (Central Line)


PLUGGED is a collaboration between Stow-Lab and Addictive TV. Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.